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gitops create dashboard

Create a HelmRepository and HelmRelease to deploy Weave GitOps


Create a HelmRepository and HelmRelease to deploy Weave GitOps

gitops create dashboard [flags]


# Create a HelmRepository and HelmRelease to deploy Weave GitOps
gitops create dashboard ww-gitops \
--password=$PASSWORD \
--export > ./clusters/my-cluster/weave-gitops-dashboard.yaml


      --context string        The name of the kubeconfig context to use
--disable-compression If true, opt-out of response compression for all requests to the server
-h, --help help for dashboard
--password string The password of the dashboard admin user.
--username string The username of the dashboard admin user. (default "admin")
--values strings Local path to values.yaml files for HelmRelease, also accepts comma-separated values.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -e, --endpoint WEAVE_GITOPS_ENTERPRISE_API_URL   The Weave GitOps Enterprise HTTP API endpoint can be set with WEAVE_GITOPS_ENTERPRISE_API_URL environment variable
--export Export in YAML format to stdout.
--insecure-skip-tls-verify If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure
--kubeconfig string Paths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
-n, --namespace string The namespace scope for this operation (default "flux-system")
--timeout duration The timeout for operations during resource creation. (default 3m0s)