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Quickstart GitOps Templates Enterprise

Quickstart templates are GitOpsTemplates that you could use when getting started with Weave Gitops Enterprise It aims to provide a simplified basic experience.

Getting Started

The templates exist as a Helm Chart in the weave-gitops-quickstart github repo.

To get started, add the following HelmRelease object to your Weave GitOps Enterprise configuration repo for your management cluster.

Expand to view
kind: GitRepository
name: weave-gitops-quickstart
namespace: flux-system
interval: 10m0s
branch: main
kind: HelmRelease
name: quickstart-templates
namespace: flux-system
chart: "quickstart-templates"
version: ">=0.1.0"
kind: GitRepository
name: weave-gitops-quickstart
namespace: flux-system
interval: 10m0s

Commit and merge the above file. Once the HelmRelease has been successfully deployed to your cluster, navigate to your Weave GitOps UI Dashboard. You will see that the templates Chart is now deployed to your cluster.

quickstart templates deployed

If you click on the Templates tab in the sidebar, you will see the Quickstart templates are now available for use:

quickstart templates view

Available Templates

The following pipeline templates have been made available on your Weave GitOps Enterprise instance:

  • pipeline-view: A template to create a sample pipeline to visualize a HelmRelease application delivered to dev, test and prod environments.
  • pipeline-promotion-resources: A template to create the Flux Notification Controller resources required for promoting applications via pipelines.
  • pipeline-view-promote-by-cluster: A template to create pipelines for hard tenancy when applications are isolated by cluster.
  • pipeline-view-promote-by-namespace: A template to create pipelines for soft tenancy when applications are isolated by namespace.

Using GitOpsTemplates as a Platform Engineer

The above Quickstart templates are designed to provide a practical getting started experience. We encourage Platform Operators to start off with these templates within their team to ramp up on using Weave GitOps.

If the need arises later, operators can always expand on these templates to develop their own set of self-service capabilities.

Using GitOpsTemplates as an Application Developer

As a developer using Weave GitOps Enterprise, use the templates to explore GitOps's capabilities. For example, to create a pipeline for your application: use the above template provided by your Operations team to create required resources. Once they have been added to your GitOps repository, you can adapt the rendered resources to meet your needs.

Want to contribute?

The Quickstart templates are maintained by the Weave Gitops team. If you would like to make alterations, suggest fixes, or even contribute a new template which you find cool, just head to the repo and open a new issue or PR!