Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the gitopssets v1alpha1 API group
Resource Types:GitOpsSet
GitOpsSet is the Schema for the gitopssets API
Field | Description | ||||||||
| | ||||||||
| GitOpsSet | ||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
| ||||||||
spec GitOpsSetSpec |
| ||||||||
status GitOpsSetStatus |
(Appears on: GitOpsSetGenerator, GitOpsSetNestedGenerator)
APIClientGenerator defines a generator that queries an API endpoint and uses that to generate data.
Field | Description |
interval Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration | The interval at which to poll the API endpoint. |
endpoint string | (Optional) This is the API endpoint to use. |
method string | Method defines the HTTP method to use to talk to the endpoint. |
jsonPath string | JSONPath is string that is used to modify the result of the API call. This can be used to extract a repeating element from a response. |
headersRef HeadersReference | (Optional) HeadersRef allows optional configuration of a Secret or ConfigMap to add additional headers to an outgoing request. For example, a Secret with a key Authorization: Bearer abc123 could be used to configure an authorization header. |
body Kubernetes pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1.JSON | (Optional) Body is set as the body in a POST request. If set, this will configure the Method to be POST automatically. |
singleElement bool | (Optional) SingleElement means generate a single element with the result of the API call. When true, the response must be a JSON object and will be returned as a single element, i.e. only one element will be generated containing the entire object. |
secretRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference | Reference to Secret in same namespace with a field “caFile” which provides the Certificate Authority to trust when making API calls. |
(Appears on: GitOpsSetGenerator, GitOpsSetNestedGenerator)
ClusterGenerator defines a generator that queries the cluster API for relevant clusters.
Field | Description |
selector Kubernetes meta/v1.LabelSelector | (Optional) Selector is used to filter the clusters that you want to target. If no selector is provided, no clusters will be matched. |
(Appears on: GitOpsSetGenerator, GitOpsSetNestedGenerator)
ConfigGenerator loads a referenced ConfigMap or Secret from the Cluster and makes it available as a resource.
Field | Description |
kind string | Kind of the referent. |
name string | Name of the referent. |
(Appears on: GitOpsSetSpec)
GitOpsSetGenerator is the top-level set of generators for this GitOpsSet.
Field | Description |
list ListGenerator | |
pullRequests PullRequestGenerator | |
gitRepository GitRepositoryGenerator | |
ociRepository OCIRepositoryGenerator | |
matrix MatrixGenerator | |
cluster ClusterGenerator | |
apiClient APIClientGenerator | |
imagePolicy ImagePolicyGenerator | |
config ConfigGenerator |
(Appears on: MatrixGenerator)
GitOpsSetNestedGenerator describes the generators usable by the MatrixGenerator. This is a subset of the generators allowed by the GitOpsSetGenerator because the CRD format doesn’t support recursive declarations.
Field | Description |
name string | (Optional) Name is an optional field that will be used to prefix the values generated by the nested generators, this allows multiple generators of the same type in a single Matrix generator. |
list ListGenerator | |
gitRepository GitRepositoryGenerator | |
ociRepository OCIRepositoryGenerator | |
pullRequests PullRequestGenerator | |
cluster ClusterGenerator | |
apiClient APIClientGenerator | |
imagePolicy ImagePolicyGenerator | |
config ConfigGenerator |
(Appears on: GitOpsSet)
GitOpsSetSpec defines the desired state of GitOpsSet
Field | Description |
suspend bool | (Optional) Suspend tells the controller to suspend the reconciliation of this GitOpsSet. |
generators []GitOpsSetGenerator | Generators generate the data to be inserted into the provided templates. |
templates []GitOpsSetTemplate | Templates are a set of YAML templates that are rendered into resources from the data supplied by the generators. |
serviceAccountName string | (Optional) The name of the Kubernetes service account to impersonate when reconciling this Kustomization. |
(Appears on: GitOpsSet)
GitOpsSetStatus defines the observed state of GitOpsSet
Field | Description |
ReconcileRequestStatus | (Members of |
observedGeneration int64 | (Optional) ObservedGeneration is the last observed generation of the HelmRepository object. |
conditions []Kubernetes meta/v1.Condition | (Optional) Conditions holds the conditions for the GitOpsSet |
inventory ResourceInventory | (Optional) Inventory contains the list of Kubernetes resource object references that have been successfully applied |
(Appears on: GitOpsSetSpec)
GitOpsSetTemplate describes a resource to create
Field | Description |
repeat string | Repeat is a JSONPath string defining that the template content should be repeated for each of the matching elements in the JSONPath expression. |
content | Content is the YAML to be templated and generated. |
(Appears on: GitOpsSetGenerator, GitOpsSetNestedGenerator)
GitRepositoryGenerator generates from files in a Flux GitRepository resource.
Field | Description |
repositoryRef string | RepositoryRef is the name of a GitRepository resource to be generated from. |
files []RepositoryGeneratorFileItem | Files is a set of rules for identifying files to be parsed. |
directories []RepositoryGeneratorDirectoryItem | Directories is a set of rules for identifying directories to be generated. |
(Appears on: APIClientGenerator)
HeadersReference references either a Secret or ConfigMap to be used for additional request headers.
Field | Description |
kind string | The resource kind to get headers from. |
name string | Name of the resource in the same namespace to apply headers from. |
(Appears on: GitOpsSetGenerator, GitOpsSetNestedGenerator)
ImagePolicyGenerator generates from the ImagePolicy.
Field | Description |
policyRef string | PolicyRef is the name of a ImagePolicy resource to be generated from. |
(Appears on: GitOpsSetGenerator, GitOpsSetNestedGenerator)
ListGenerator generates from a hard-coded list.
Field | Description |
elements []Kubernetes pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1.JSON |
(Appears on: GitOpsSetGenerator)
MatrixGenerator defines a matrix that combines generators. The matrix is a cartesian product of the generators.
Field | Description |
generators []GitOpsSetNestedGenerator | Generators is a list of generators to be combined. |
singleElement bool | (Optional) SingleElement means generate a single element with the result of the merged generator elements. When true, the matrix elements will be merged to a single element, with whatever prefixes they have. It’s recommended that you use the Name field to separate out elements. |
(Appears on: GitOpsSetGenerator, GitOpsSetNestedGenerator)
OCIRepositoryGenerator generates from files in a Flux OCIRepository resource.
Field | Description |
repositoryRef string | RepositoryRef is the name of a OCIRepository resource to be generated from. |
files []RepositoryGeneratorFileItem | Files is a set of rules for identifying files to be parsed. |
directories []RepositoryGeneratorDirectoryItem | Directories is a set of rules for identifying directories to be generated. |
(Appears on: GitOpsSetGenerator, GitOpsSetNestedGenerator)
PullRequestGenerator defines a generator that queries a Git hosting service for relevant PRs.
Field | Description |
interval Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration | The interval at which to check for repository updates. |
driver string | Determines which git-api protocol to use. |
serverURL string | (Optional) This is the API endpoint to use. |
repo string | This should be the Repo you want to query. e.g. my-org/my-repo |
secretRef Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference | Reference to Secret in same namespace with a field “password” which is an auth token that can query the Git Provider API. |
labels []string | (Optional) Labels is used to filter the PRs that you want to target. This may be applied on the server. |
forks bool | (Optional) Fork is used to filter out forks from the target PRs if false, or to include forks if true |
(Appears on: GitRepositoryGenerator, OCIRepositoryGenerator)
RepositoryGeneratorDirectoryItem stores the information about a specific directory to be generated from.
Field | Description |
path string | |
exclude bool |
(Appears on: GitRepositoryGenerator, OCIRepositoryGenerator)
RepositoryGeneratorFileItem defines a path to a file to be parsed when generating.
Field | Description |
path string | Path is the name of a file to read and generate from can be JSON or YAML. |
(Appears on: GitOpsSetStatus)
ResourceInventory contains a list of Kubernetes resource object references that have been applied by a Kustomization.
Field | Description |
entries []ResourceRef | Entries of Kubernetes resource object references. |
(Appears on: ResourceInventory)
ResourceRef contains the information necessary to locate a resource within a cluster.
Field | Description |
id string | ID is the string representation of the Kubernetes resource object’s metadata, in the format ‘namespace_name_group_kind’. |
v string | Version is the API version of the Kubernetes resource object’s kind. |
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