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Version: 0.38.0

Azure and Weave GitOps Enterprise InstallationEnterprise

Once you successfully create your Kubernetes cluster in Azure Marketplace, follow these steps to Install Weave GitOps Enterprise. These instructions apply to both Azure AKS and Azure ARC clusters—they'll behave in the same way.


If you have already installed Flux, then Azure Flux will refuse to install.

1. Choose the “GitOps” Option in the Marketplace

Search for Weave GitOps Enterprise in the "Extensions + Applications" of the Azure Marketplace. Click the "GitOps" option. This will take you to a screen that presents a first-class item called Type: Flux v2.

Click GitOps => Create.

Add the config name, namespace (default), scope: cluster, type (Flux v2), and continuous reconciliation option. Your entries should look like this:

  • Configuration: flux-system
  • Namespace: flux-system
  • Scope: Cluster

All of the displayed properties for the Flux objects screen are the same as what you'd supply to Flux bootstrap.

Optional: Install CAPZ, the CAPI Provider

If you are planning to manage or connect CAPI clusters to the WE service make sure you first install the CAPI provider. Then during the WE installation process be sure to select the "Enable CAPI support" checkbox.

2. Apply the Entitlements Secret

Contact for a valid entitlements secret. This will come in the form of a file “entitlements.yaml”. Apply it to the cluster:

kubectl apply -f entitlements.yaml

3. Configure Access for Writing to Git from the UI

(This section is the same as what you'll find in the main WGE install documentation.)

Here we provide guidance for GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket Server, and Azure DevOps.

GitHub requires no additional configuration for OAuth Git access

4. Configure Your Password

First, install the Weave GitOps Enterprise CLI tool. To do this, you can use either brew or curl.

brew install weaveworks/tap/gitops-ee

Now, to login to the WGE UI, generate a bcrypt hash for your chosen password and store it as a secret in the Kubernetes cluster. There are several different ways to generate a bcrypt hash. Here, we'll use gitops get bcrypt-hash from our GitOps CLI.

PASSWORD="<Make up and insert a brand-new password here>"
echo -n $PASSWORD | gitops get bcrypt-hash | kubectl create secret generic cluster-user-auth -n flux-system --from-literal=username=wego-admin --from-file=password=/dev/stdin

A validation to know it’s working:

kubectl get secret -n flux-system cluster-user-auth

5. Install Weave GitOps Enterprise to Your Cluster

First, you'll get taken to the Weaveworks portal on the Azure platform, which provides your subscription details.

Search for Weave GitOps. Pick "View private products" and choose WGE. Fill out the forms, selecting your cluster, then choose "Review and Create".

6. Apply Extra Configuration

Additional configuration is done through an optional ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: cluster-service-extra-config
namespace: flux-system
# disable TLS
NO_TLS: "true"

Apply the configuration with:

kubectl apply -f cluster-service-extra-config.yaml

# restart the clusters-service for changes to take effect
kubectl -n flux-system rollout restart deploy/weave-gitops-enterprise-mccp-cluster-service

Available Configuration Options

NO_TLS"false"disable TLS
CLUSTER_NAME"management"name of the management cluster
AUTH_METHODS"token-passthrough,user-account"Which auth methods to use, valid values are 'oidc', 'token-pass-through' and 'user-account'
OIDC_ISSUER_URL"token-passthrough,user-account"The URL of the OpenID Connect issuer
OIDC_CLIENT_ID"token-passthrough,user-account"The client ID for the OpenID Connect client
OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET"token-passthrough,user-account"The client secret to use with OpenID Connect issuer
OIDC_REDIRECT_URL"token-passthrough,user-account"The OAuth2 redirect URL
OIDC_TOKEN_DURATION"1h"The duration of the ID token. It should be set in the format: number + time unit (s,m,h) e.g., 20m
OIDC_CLAIM_USERNAME"email"JWT claim to use as the user name. By default email, which is expected to be a unique identifier of the end user. Admins can choose other claims, such as sub or name, depending on their provider
OIDC_CLAIM_GROUPS"groups"JWT claim to use as the user's group. If the claim is present it must be an array of strings
CUSTOM_OIDC_SCOPES"groups, openid, email, profile"Customise the requested scopes for then OIDC authentication flow - openid will always be requested

7. Check That It Works

Go to the "services and ingresses" tab in the Azure portal and look for signs that the UI installed.


WGE will try and automatically install Flux on a new cluster. If this fails for some reason, or if you need a custom Flux installation, you can manually install it before installing WGE.

Click "Next" and add:

  • Source Kind: Git repository
  • Repository URL: [your repository URL here]
  • Reference Type: Branch
  • Repository Type: Private

And under the "Authentication" section:

  • Authentication Source: Provide Authentication here
  • SSH Key Authentication: Let the operator generate SSH Keys
  • HTTPS Key: YOUR_GITHUB_USER_PAT (Get one at this link. It's not the most secure method, but the easiest to get going.)

Click "Next". You'll see an option to create a Kustomisation, which is optional. To create one:

  • Click Create
  • Instance name: flux-system
  • Path: clusters/default/demo3-azure-flux
  • Prune: Ticked

Click "Save". Then clicking "Next", which will give you a summary so you can review your input. Then click "Create". It will take about five minutes to deploy.

You'll get to a new screen, which at the top-right shows "Notifications" and will display creation of the Flux configuration. When your deployment succeeds, go to the resource and pin to your dashboard. Then go to your terminal to see if it works in kubectl. In the terminal you'll get the GitRepository and Kustomizations. You should then get a green "succeeded" checkmark.

The Kustomisations screen does not provide an option to inspect the path/target namespace—you have to supply the target Namespace in the Kustomization object.

Next Steps

From this point, you can follow our generalized WGE installation instructions to configure TLS and log into the UI. Installing the Azure Marketplace product installs the Helm chart.